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You may find these resources helpful for knowing more about what our spiritual family called Greenhills Christian Fellowship believes. These resources explain in detail the basic doctrines which we believe in, as shown in our statement of faith.

Doctrines or Statement of Faith - You may find this resource helpful in explaining the definition of doctrine. It also contains the statement of faith of Greenhills Christian Fellowship.

The Bible - In these resources, you'll see what we believe about the Bible, that it is written without error, that it is the final authority of truth, and that it is our absolute guide on how we should live our lives.

The Bible - Written Without Error

The Bible - The Final Authority of Truth

The Bible - Our Absolute Guide (Part 1)

The Bible - Our Absolute Guide (Part 2)

The One True God - In these resources, you'll see what we believe about God. It shows that God is a person who desires to have a relationship with man. It also shows the characteristics and acts of God.

The One True God - Personhood and Desire for Relationship

The One True God - What He is Like (Part 1)

The One True God - What He is Like (Part 2)

The One True God - What Does He Do

The Trinity - In these resources, you'll see what we believe about the doctrine of the Trinity - that God is one yet has three distinct personalities.

The Trinity - God the Father

The Trinity - God the Son (Part 1)

The Trinity - God the Son (Part 2)

The Trinity - God the Holy Spirit

Angels and Demons - In these resources, you'll see what we believe about God's created beings called angels. They also show what we believe about Satan and his demons - former angels who rebelled against God.

Man - In these resources, you'll see what we believe about man and how we have come to be separated from God because of sin.

Salvation - In these resources, you'll see what we believe about salvation. They show what is necessary in order to gain salvation, what made salvation possible, what happens when one is saved, and how being saved changes a person.

Salvation - Repentance, Faith, and Regeneration

Salvation - Atonement, Justification, and Reconciliation

Salvation - Sanctification (Becoming Holy)

Salvation - Adoption, Assurance, Security, and Glorification

The Church - In these resources, you'll see what we believe about the Church. They show the nature of the Church, the difference between the universal church and the local church, the organization of the church, and the responsibilities of the local church.

The Church - The Nature of the Church

The Church - The Organization and Leadership of the Local Church

The Church - The Responsibilities of a Healthy Local Church

Submission to Authority - In this resource, you'll see what we believe about submission to authorities, whether in the family, the church, the government, etc.

The End Times - In these resources, you'll see what we believe about what will happen at the end of time. They talk about the second coming of Christ and what will transpire after that.

The Return of Christ

God's Plan for the Future